Le Concert royal de la Nuit Ensemble Correspondances & Sébastien Daucé
Album info
Label: Harmonia Mundi
Genre: Classical
Subgenre: Vocal
Artist: Ensemble Correspondances & Sébastien Daucé
Composer: Jean de Cambefort
Album including Album cover Booklet (PDF)
- Jean de Cambefort (1605 - 1676): Le Concert Royal de la nuit:
- 1 Ouverture 03:05
- Première Veille, la Nuit:
- 2 "Languissante clarté, cachez-vous dessous l'onde" (la Nuit) 03:24
- 3 "Vous poussez le Soleil à bout" (Les Heures) 01:42
- 4 "Je descends pour charmer ses yeux et ses oreilles" (la Nuit) 03:21
- 5 "Tenez donc vos rideaux tirez" (Les Heures) 01:22
- 6 Entrée pour les Quatre heures - 2e air pour les mesmes 02:25
- 7 Le2e air pour les mesmes (Six Chasseurs) 01:13
- 8 Deux Bergers & deux Bergères - Quatre Païsans 01:33
- 9 Un Mercier et deux Bandits - Air pour les mesmes en Carosse 01:07
- 10 Deux Galands & deux Coquettes 02:22
- 11 "Quelles beautés, ô mortels" (Mnémosyne) 03:26
- 12 La Cour des Miracles. Egyptiens et Egyptiennes 01:37
- 13 La Cour des Miracles. Les Boutiques se ferment 00:57
- 14 La Cour des Miracles. Porteurs de chaises portant deux Bourgeoises - Les mesmes Bourgeoises sont attaquées par des Filous - Deux Filoux 02:30
- Seconde Veille, Vénus & les Grâces:
- 15 Entrée des Ombres 01:43
- 16 Entrée des Parques, de la Vieillesse & de la Tristesse 01:19
- 17 "Fuyez bien loin, ennemis de la joye" (Vénus) 03:27
- 18 1er air pour les Jeux, les Ris, l'Hymen & le Dieu Comus - Deux Pages / Roger, Bradamante & toute la compagnie 02:25
- 19 Air pour les Grâces 01:19
- 20 "Admirons notre jeune et charmante déesse" (Les trois Grâces) - Air pour les Grâces 03:28
- 21 Les Nopces de Thétis, "Ballet en Ballet" - La Discorde 02:32
- 22 La comédie muette d'Amphitrion : Première entrée représentant le Premier Acte - 2e air pour Sosie 01:32
- 23 La comédie muette d'Amphitrion: 2nd entrée - 3e entrée - 4e entrée - Amphitrion revient de son voyage 04:02
- 24 La comédie muette d'Amphitrion, Quatre petites Espagnolles et un Espagnol 01:10
- 25 La comédie muette d'Amphitrion, Sarabande pour une Espagnolle [suivie des Italiens] 01:11
- 26 "Qual concorso indovino" (Coro degl'Italiani) - "Ed ecco, o Gallia invitta" (Cintia) - "Dopo belliche noie" (Coro degl'Italiani) 02:09
- 27 "Ma voi che piu tardate, inclite Dee?" (Cintia) - "O Gallia fortunata!" (Coro degl'Italiani) 02:12
- Troisième Veille, Hercule amoureux:
- 28 "Moy dont les froideurs sont cognuës" (la Lune) 05:18
- 29 Entrée pour Endimion 01:23
- 30 Entrée pour la Lune 01:02
- 31 "Noires forests, demeures sombres" (Endimion) 03:09
- 32 Entrée pour Hercule amoureux 01:00
- 33 "Come si beffa Amour, del poter mio!" (Ercole) 01:11
- 34 "Misera, ohimè, ch'ascolto?" (Dejanira) 02:02
- 35 "Ahi, ch'amarezza" (Dejanira) 03:25
- 36 Le Sabbat, "Se ninfa ai pianti" (Venere, delle Grazie) 04:44
- 37 Le Sabbat, "E vuol dunque Ciprigna" (Giunone) 04:48
- 38 Le Sabbat, Les Coribantes - Air pour les mesmes 01:01
- 39 Le Sabbat, Huict Ardens - 2e air pour les mesmes 01:15
- 40 Le Sabbat, "Gradisci, o re" (Chœur des Sacrificateurs) 01:15
- 41 Le Sabbat, Un grand Homme - Quatre Monstres nains 02:15
- 42 Le Sabbat, Une Magicienne & quatres vieilles Sorcières - Six Loups-garoux 02:17
- 43 Le Sabbat, "Gradisci, o re" (Chœur des Sacrificateurs) 01:15
- 44 Le Sabbat, Trois Curieux - 2e air pour les mesmes - Des Hommes demy nuds 01:13
- 45 Le Sabbat, "Dall'Occaso a gl'Eoi" (Quatre Âmes errantes) 01:47
- 46 "Mormorate" (Pasitea) 01:42
- 47 "Dormi, dormi, o Sonno, dormi" (Aure, Ruscelli) 03:47
- 48 "O dea, sublime dea" (Pasitea & Giunone) - Simphonie du Sommeil 02:27
- 49 "Vanne, e poiché spedita al Ciel'io torno" (Giunone) - Simphonie pour l'envol de Junon 00:53
- Quatrième Veille, Orphée:
- 50 Dialogue du Sommeil & du Silence (JC) 03:53
- 51 Les quatre Demons du Feu, de l'Air, de l'Eau & de la Terre - Les Songes furieux - Le combat des Songes - Le Songe du Flegmatique 02:58
- 52 "Quelle merveilleuse advanture?" (Les Dieux des Songes) 03:28
- 53 L'humeur Mélancolique 01:14
- 54 "Suivez-nous" (Orphée, Les Hamadryades) 02:29
- 55 Passacaille pour Orphée 02:02
- 56 "Che puó far Citerea" (Euridice) 01:42
- 57 "Dormite, begl'occhi, dormite" (Coro delle Grazie) 02:26
- 58 "Ma che, son qui le Driadi" (Coro de Driadi, Euridice) 01:42
- 59 "Ohimè, Nutrice, io moro!" (Euridice) 03:42
- 60 "Ah, piangete!" (Coro di Driadi, Apollo) 05:49
- 61 Fantaisie pour les Pleurs d'Orphée 03:05
- Grand Ballet, Le Soleil:
- 62 "Depuis que j'ouvre l'Orient" (l'Aurore) 02:29
- 63 Les Planètes - Entrée du Roy représentant le Soleil levant - Entrée des Génies 02:38
- 64 Les Planètes, "Quel grande Eroe" (Coro dei Pianeti) 01:28
- 65 Les Planètes, Cosí un giorno avverrà con più diletto" (Duo d'Ercole, la Bellezza) 00:47
- 66 Les Planètes, "Virtù che soffre" (Coro dei Pianeti) 01:03
- 67 Les Planètes, Libertas 00:47
- 68 Les Planètes, "All'impero d'Amore" (Tutti) 02:00
Info for Le Concert royal de la Nuit
In late February 1653, just after the Fronde rebellion, the most influential spectacle of the early reign of Louis XIV was created at the Louvre: the Ballet Royal de la Nuit. Grandiose, and carefully elaborated at the highest levels of the state, the libretto by Bensérade called upon the finest artists of the time. Banishing the troubles of Night, Louis XIV danced in the Sun King costume that would henceforth be for ever associated with him. An indispensable world premiere recording!
„Sébastien Daucé has designed a selective exposition of the musical dimension of the multifaceted Ballet de la Nuit. Vocal music by Jean de Cambefort includes a spellbinding solo for Night that begins the first veille (the alto soloist Lucile Richardot is accompanied sensuously by a consort of viols) and a hushed dialogue for Sleep and Silence that commences the fourth veille (sung delicately by bass Etienne Bazola and soprano Caroline Bardot). Ensemble Correspondances play about two-thirds of the original 1653 dances, reconstructed expertly by Daucé ... A rotating team of up to 52 musicians traverse the musical spectrum from whispered intimacy to jovial ceremony .. the copiously illustrated hardback book provides plenty of fascinating material to mull over.“ (David Vickers, Gramophone Magazine)
Violaine le Chenadec, soprano
Marie-Frédérique Girod, soprano
Caroline Bardot, soprano
Caroline Weynants, soprano
Amandine Trenc, soprano
Caroline Meng, soprano
Lucile Richardot, mezzo-soprano
Dagmar Sasková, mezzo-soprano
Stephanie Leclerc, contralto
Stephen Collardelle, countertenor
Davy Cornillot, tenor
Etienne Bazola, baritone
Renaud Brès, bass
Nicolas Brooymans, bass
Ensemble Correspondances
Sebastien Dauce, conductor
The ensemble Correspondances
presents mainly 17th century French sacred music; an era which saw produced a considerable number of masterpieces, some still unpublished, just waiting to be revived by young and passionate musicians.
Sébastien Daucé, the Artistic Director, and his musicians met while studying at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Lyon. A dedicated collaboration blossomed to unearth rare and neglected musical treasures, revealing, through their interpretation, a whole range of emotions within these works.
Since its formation in 2009, the ensemble has performed in France, Switzerland, Germany, Italia, Japan and South-America. Its first recording for Zig-Zag Territoires, O Maria !, featuring motets by Marc-Antoine Charpentier was released in 2010 to great critical acclaim (Choc de Classica Diapason découverte, Coup de cœur de l'Académie Charles Cros, ***** Fonoforum and Supersonic in Pizzicato). This was followed by L'Archange et le Lys, a collection of motets by Antoine Boësset, the first recorded anthology of the composer.
The ensemble has recently appeared at the Saintes festival, OudeMuziek festival in Utrecht, Easter Festival in Fontevraud, Printemps des Arts de Nantes, Nuremberg, Paris, Rome and Fribourg. They have recorded extensively for the radio: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Radio-France and Radio Suisse Romande. Highlights of the forthcoming season include festival d’Ambronay, Abbaye de Royaumont, festival de Lanvellec, and a Asian tour in April 2013.
Sébastien Daucé
After a specialized program at the National Conservatory of Music of Lyon, Sébastien Daucé played under the direction of Kenneth Weiss (Didon and Aeneas, Madrigal of Monteverdi), of Gabriel Garrido (Ercole Amante of Cavailli, in the Academy of Baroque Opera at Ambronay, and recently for the recording of another Cavalli opera, Gli Amori d’Apollo e Datne,) of Raphaël Pichon (Pygmalion), of Toni Ramon (Radio France), of Françoise Lasserre (Akademia) and Geoffroy Jourdain (The Crys of Paris).
He was the assistant of Kenneth Weiss’s for the 2006 and 2007 academies at the Festival d’Art Lyrique in Aix en Provence (France).
In 2006, he founded the Ensemble Correspondances. The first concerts of this ensemble, made up of young musicians from the National Conservatory of music of Lyon and of Paris, took place in France and in Switzerland. During this time, they were recorded and aired on the radio. The Ensemble Correspondances toured Japon in December 2009 ; and have played in some prestigious festivals (Pontoise, Saintes, Utrecht). Their two firsts Cds have been recorded on the ZigZag Territories label : they both received notable press such as Choc de Classica and a Diapason découverte. Sébastien Daucé has worked, as well in the past few years, on Marc-Antoine Charpentier; in which he has published in the Abbesses Editions, three operas, in collaboration with William Christie. From 2012, he is a teacher at the Pole Supérieur Paris-Boulogne.
Booklet for Le Concert royal de la Nuit