Italico Splendore
Biography Italico Splendore
Italico Splendore
The love and interest for the ancient music and the baroque, classical and pre-romantic repertoire, are the basis around which the Italico Splendore Ensemble was born and grew up; from the very beginning, in 2010, it conducted its work mainly in this direction: a constant
and deep research on the sources and a scrupulous philological method.
The aim of the members is to do a research work in order to revalue less popular repertoires, to rediscover unknown authors, operate
on ancient manuscripts, giving new life to hidden musical treasures regarding a period of a great splendor of the Italian musical art, source of pride in the European courts.
Italico Splendore has two main purposes: production and distribution of live musical performances, and research and musicological study.
The musical production has already been expressed by a regular concert activity at important musical seasons and festivals, and also by the achievement of recording projects for labels such as Dynamic, Brilliant Classics and Novantiqua Records.
The “chamber” setting is the basis of the artistic and musical organization and of the lockin on and finding out of common guidelines in the artistic life of the group. All members cooperate in total harmony, bringing their human and professional contribute, besides the artistic one, under the guide of the artistic director Alessandro Andriani and his brother Claudio, violin concertmaster.
All members, following the study of performing practice indicated by the treatises and essays of the period, play on original or authentic copies of instruments of the period, using gut strings, philological bows, historical keyboards and original wind instruments, in order to reproduce accurately the sound effects required by the composers.
In the field of musicological research, Italico Splendore set the purpose to find out and revalue a musical matter unpublished or less studied. For this purpose, the work is oriented on transcriptions and philological publishing to enrich the repertoire and to produce new scores. Besides this commitment, there is also an educational and youth training aim, at high levels, throughout workshops, masterclasses, meetings and lessons that Italico Splendore organizes every year, with the cooperation of international artists and experts.
Italico Splendore has the purpose to promote and spread the knowledge of the ancient, classical and pre-romantic music in all its structures and expressions, both in Italy and abroad, with particular attention to the Italian repertoire and authors still widely unknown.
The work of Italico Splendore is based on study, musicological research and live concert performance, as well as teaching, training and cultural disclosure. The experience of Italico Splendore makes conscious that a musical performance is really pleasant and effective, if it is perceived as involving and lively, as well as for the professional and musical quality offered
to the public.