Études: Chopin / Schumann Valentina Lisitsa

Cover Études: Chopin / Schumann

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: Decca

Genre: Instrumental

Subgenre: Piano

Interpret: Valentina Lisitsa

Komponist: Frédéric Chopin, Robert Schumann (1810-56)

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  • 1No.1 In C Major01:48
  • 2No.2 In A Minor - Chromatique01:21
  • 3No.3 In E Major - Tristesse04:16
  • 4No.4 In C Sharp Minor01:47
  • 5No.5 In G Flat - Black Keys01:38
  • 6No.6 In E Flat Minor03:55
  • 7No.7 In C Major01:30
  • 8No.8 In F Major02:11
  • 9No.9 In F Minor01:55
  • 10No.10 In A Flat Major02:07
  • 11No.11 In E Flat Major03:12
  • 12No.12 In C Minor Revolutionary02:49
  • 13No.1 In A Flat Major - Harp Study02:18
  • 14No.2 In F Minor01:28
  • 15No.3 In F Major01:51
  • 16No.4 In A Minor01:43
  • 17No.5 In E Minor03:26
  • 18No.6 In G Sharp Minor02:06
  • 19No.7 In C Sharp Minor05:18
  • 20No.8 In D Flat Major01:06
  • 21No.9 In G Flat Major - Butterfly Wings00:59
  • 22No.10 In B Minor04:40
  • 23No.11 In A Minor Winter Wind03:42
  • 24No.12 In C Minor02:36
  • 25Theme01:22
  • 26Etude I01:03
  • 27Variation I01:29
  • 28Etude II02:51
  • 29Etude III01:26
  • 30Etude IV01:00
  • 31Etude V01:14
  • 32Variation II02:06
  • 33Variation III01:31
  • 34Variation IV02:52
  • 35Variation V02:28
  • 36Etude VI00:44
  • 37Etude VII01:05
  • 38Etude VIII02:21
  • 39Etude IX00:36
  • 40Etude X01:11
  • 41Etude XI01:55
  • 42Etude XII (Finale)05:54
  • 433 Nouvelles Etudes No.1 In F Minor02:40
  • 443 Nouvelles Etudes No.2 In A Flat02:30
  • 453 Nouvelles Etudes No.3 In D Flat02:01
  • Total Runtime01:40:01

Info zu Études: Chopin / Schumann

Valentina Lisitsa ist eine bemerkenswerte Pianistin, die zu den größten YouTube Stars der Klassik zählt. Ihre Online-Videos erreichen zusammen über 80 Millionen Klicks und 150.000 Follower. Nach ihrer letzten Aufnahme „Chasing Pianos“ mit Werken von Michael Nyman, legt sie nun ihr Augenmerk auf die Epoche der Romantik und veröffentlicht ein Abum mit Etüden von Chopin und Schumann.

Chopin’s Etüden waren die ersten, die vom Publikum als echte Klavierstücke anerkannt wurden und nicht mehr als einfaches Studienmaterial für Klavierschüler. Schnell wurden sie zum festen Bestandteil des gängigen Konzertrepertoires und gehörten zu den populärsten Werken für Klavier.

Ebenfalls auf dem Album vertreten sind die Sinfonischen Etüden von Schumann, die zu den anspruchvollsten Klavierzyklen ihres Genres zählen. Gemeinsam mit 5 weiteren Sätzen - von Brahms nach Schumanns Tod editiert - bietet sie die perfekte Ergänzung zu Chopin. Kein anderer Künstler eines Majorlabels vereint eine derart aufregende Kombination meisterlicher Klaviermusik auf einem Album mit insgesamt 85 Minuten Musik!

Valentina Lisitsa, Klavier

Valentina Lisitsa
With her multi-faceted playing described as “dazzling”, Valentina Lisitsa is at ease in a vast repertoire ranging from Bach and Mozart to Shostakovich and Bernstein. Her orchestral repertoire alone includes more than forty concerti. She admits to having a special affinity for the music of Rachmaninoff and Beethoven and continues to add to her vast repertoire each season.

Valentina Lisitsa was born in Kiev, Ukraine and began playing the piano at the age of three, performing her first solo recital a year later. She gained a place at the Lysenko Music School for Gifted Children and later studied at the Kiev Conservatory under Ludmilla Tsvierko. In 1991 she won the first prize in The Murray Dranoff Two Piano Competition together with Alexei Kuznetsoff. She now resides in the USA.

With more than 30 million YouTube channel views, Valentina Lisitsa is one of the most watched classical musicians on the Web, using digital innovation to champion classical music and performance. She has performed in venues around the world, including Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, and the Musikverein. In May 2010, Valentina Lisitsa performed the Dutch premiere of Rachmaninoff’s “New 5th” Concerto in her debut with the Rotterdam Philharmonic, and in August 2011 made her debut with the Orchestra Sinfonica Brasileira under the baton of Maestro Lorin Maazel.

Valentina Lisitsa has recorded three independently-released DVDs, including her best-selling set of Chopin’s 24 Etudes. Her recording of the 4 sonatas for violin and piano by composer Charles Ives, made with Hahn, was released in October 2011. In addition, Ms. Lisitsa has recently completed recordings of the complete concerti of Rachmaninoff and Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini with the London Symphony Orchestra under conductor Michael Francis.

Her 11-12 season features debut performances with the Helsinki Philharmonic, the Colorado Symphony and recitals at Ravinia, Festival of the Arts Boca, Teatro de Colon in Buenos Aires and the Casals Festival, chamber engagements, and a solo recital in June 2012 at the Royal Albert Hall, London

Valentina Lisitsa records exclusively for Decca Classics.

Booklet für Études: Chopin / Schumann

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